Seven additional Kurdish Human Rights Project (KHRP) cases against Turkey have been declared admissible by the European Commission of Human Rights. These cases dealt with allegations of e.g Unlawful detention, Torture, ill-treatment and intentional killing. These decisions bring the total number of KHRP cases declared by the project. Individual applicants were assisted in taking their grievances to Strasbourg by KHRP and the Human Rights Association of Turkey. These cases are part of a series of cases which have been pursued in order to promotte accountability and the rule of law in Turkey. The Commission will decide what next steps will be taken in each of these cases, but it is likley that in a number of these cases there will be further investigative hearings in Turkey / Strasbourg. Commission hearings provide a unique oppurtunity to collect information on the Human Rights situation, as the Commission is empowerd to call any individual to testify in a particualr case. The dte for the two public hearings for the two KHRP cases which will be heard by the European Court of Human Rights have also been set. The court will both hear AKDIVAR and others v. Turkey (21893/93) and AKSOY v. Turkey (21987/93) on April 25 in Strasbourg. The newly seven admissisble cases were: Mehmet HARAN v. Tukey ( app.No:25754/94): The applicant alleges that on 12 May 1994 his son, Vahdettin Haran of Agilli village in Lice, was killed by Turkish gerndarmes. Abdulrezak and Halil IKINCISOY v. Turkey ( app. 26144/95): This application declared partly admissible, deals with the alleged death in custody of Mehmet Sah Ikincisoy, son and brother of the applicants, in Diyarbakir. Hamsa CICEK v. Turkey (app.No.25704/94 ) : This application deals with the allegations of the dosappearaaances of the applicants sons and grandson and her inability to ascertain what has happened to them since they were taken into custody by soldiers in may 1994 from the village of Dernek. Soldiers from the Lice District Generdame Station Tortured. Mutafa TANLI v. Turkey ( App.No.26129/94): Thsi application deals with the alleged death in custody in June 1994 OF Muhmut Tanli of Ortulu village, Doggubeyazit district. Nuray SEN v. Turkey ( App.No.25354/95): This application deals with the alleged death in custody of Mehmet Sen in march 1994 in Nizippiii, Gaziantep. Zulfu AKKUM, Huseyin AKAN and Rabia KARAKOC v.Turkey ( APP.No. 21894/93) The application envolves allegations of the deaths of Mehmet Akkum, Mehmmet Akan and Dervis Kaoakoc at the hands of Turkish soldiers on 10 November 1992, near the village of Kurnsunlu. Besir TAS v. Turkey ( App.No : 24396/94) The application deals with the alleged death while in the custody of police in Cizre district of Muhsin Tas in late 1993. Article s of the European Convention O f Human Rights invoked in these applications include: