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KHRP | Kurdish Human Rights Project

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Kurdish Human Rights Project: This is the legacy website of the Kurdish Human Rights Project, containing reports and news pertaining to human rights issues in the Kurdish Regions for 20 years.

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Participants at the training in Van.
KHRP and the Van Women’s Association (VAKAD) conducted a one-day training seminar for members of women’s organizations in Van, Turkey on 29 August, titled ‘The Protection of Women’s Rights under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW): the Shadow Report System’.

The seminar was designed to strengthen the capacity of local activists to engage with the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women as it prepares to review Turkey’s sixth periodic report on its compliance with CEDAW at its 46th session in July 2010. It included a refresher course on CEDAW and presentations clarifying procedures for the preparation of shadow reports to the Committee. Participants were encouraged to share their experiences of particular women’s rights issues that have arisen in the course of their work and to explore ways in which these could be presented in such submissions.
The training was led by Dr Michael Kearney of the University of York Centre for Applied Human Rights. It built on previous KHRP trainings on CEDAW in the Kurdish region of Turkey, including a seminar conducted in conjunction with SELİS Women’s Consultation Centre in Diyarbakır in February 2008.

‘The pervasiveness of violence and discrimination against women in Turkey and elsewhere in the Kurdish regions has been highlighted time and time again by KHRP’s fact-finding missions, trial observations and other research,’ said KHRP Executive Director Kerim Yıldız. ‘Besides allowing for the transfer of skills and experience to local activists, KHRP hopes that events such as this can also help to strengthen cooperation amongst organisations working on the ground and pave the way for the development of common strategies to address this situation.’